Senior Citizens' Charter 1973 General Resolution

WHEREAS, today's society appears to worship youth and neglect the talent and problems of its elderly citizens;

BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1973 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association reaffirms the Senior Citizens' Charter set forth at the White House Conference on Aging:

  1. The right to be useful;
  2. The right to obtain employment based on merit;
  3. The right to freedom from want in old age;
  4. The right to a fair share of the community's recreational, educational, and medical resources;
  5. The right to obtain decent housing;
  6. The right to the moral and financial support of one's family consistent with the best interests of the family;
  7. The right to live independently as one chooses;
  8. The right to live and die with dignity;
  9. The right to access to all knowledge as available on how to improve the later years of life.

THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY URGES societies of the Unitarian Universalist Association and individual members of those societies to support legislation and initiate programs at all levels to assure these rights.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the General Assembly strongly urge that the Board of Trustees re-establish the Committee on Aging to be charged with the specific responsibility of recommending an on-going program of education, information, and counseling supports to the member societies of the UUA, and to encourage the establishment of new models for dignified lifestyles in advanced years which retain and enhance a human reserve of valuable resources which are shamefully squandered in our present callous lack of concern.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That with the consent of the Office for Development and Fund Raising the Committee on Aging will be responsible for the financing of the first year's expense of operation.