Proposals of the Common Vision Planning Committee
WHEREAS the survey conducted by the Common Vision Planning Committee has shown that, despite a long and luminous tradition of leadership toward an era of wider justice, inclusion, and recognition of the dignity and worth of all, still the fear of same-sex love runs deep among Unitarian Universalists; and
WHEREAS the persistence in our midst of homophobia and heterosexism sorely tests our commitment to our Principles and Purposes;
WHEREAS Unitarian Universalists have consistently committed ourselves through the General Assembly to the dignity and rights of gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons and to their full inclusion in our movement; and
WHEREAS the Welcoming Congregation program has been proposed by the Common Vision Planning Committee and approved by the UUA Board of Trustees as an effective response to the aforementioned concerns and as a model for training in the practice of inclusive community;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 1989 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association adopts the recommendation of the Common Vision Planning Committee that the Welcoming Congregation Program be established as set forth in the attachment hereto (Attachment A); and
IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1989 General Assembly urges the Unitarian Universalist Association Administration to implement this Program through its Office of Lesbian and Gay Concerns.