Oppose Anti-Immigrant Measures at the State Level (Arizona Law SB 1070 and the Like) and Hasten Federal Immigration Reform
BECAUSE our Unitarian Universalist Principles affirm and promote:
- the inherent worth and dignity of every person:
- justice, equity and compassion in human relations; and
- the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; and
BECAUSE we welcome the stranger and we recognize our neighbor, we know that immigrants come to this nation to work hard and provide for their families. The presence of immigrants benefits the nation; and
BECAUSE WE FIND that the legislators and governor of Arizona interfered with federal interests, encroached on federal jurisdiction, and created in SB 1070 a law that would press for the deportation of our neighbors or bully our neighbors, especially people of color, and punish their compassionate friends; and
WHEREAS in 2010 the State of Arizona enacted a law—SB 1070/HB 2162—intended to identify, prosecute, and press for deportation of undocumented immigrants present in Arizona. Its provisions:
- make it a state misdemeanor to be an undocumented immigrant who is present in Arizona;
- require persons to carry proof of their lawful presence;
- require police officers, during a lawful stop, detention, or arrest, to "make a reasonable attempt" to determine the immigration status of a person if there is a "reasonable suspicion" that he or she is an undocumented immigrant;
- encourage lawsuits against agencies perceived to be insufficiently enforcing immigration laws;
- make it a criminal offense for an undocumented immigrant to “knowingly apply for work, solicit work in a public place, or perform work” in Arizona; and
- make it a criminal offense to transport, move, conceal, or harbor undocumented immigrants.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 2010 General Assembly delegates oppose Arizona Law SB 1070 and the enactment of laws similar to Arizona Law SB 1070 in other states;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the delegates call on Congress to enact federal comprehensive immigration reform legislation, as previously described in our 2006 Action of Immediate Witness, “Support Immigrant Justice”;
FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that the delegates call upon the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, their individual members and friends, and affiliate organizations, to pledge themselves:
- to continue to witness against SB 1070 and its implementation;
- to support Arizona on a July 29, 2010 Day of Non-Compliance and events during the Human Rights Summer;
- to apply such economic pressure to the state as is specifically targeted to achieve repeal;
- to monitor legislation in other states and witness against any similar anti-immigrant proposals;
- to participate in voter registration and civic engagement campaigns as a prerequisite to better laws in the future;
- to call on President Obama to reassert the federal government’s exclusive control over immigration law;
- to support federal legislative proposals such as the Dream Act that benefit citizens and immigrants alike; and
- to persist until humane federal comprehensive immigration reform is achieved.