Nuclear Weapons Testing 1962 General Resolution

WHEREAS, the health of the world's people today and of the future generations is being endangered by the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons by a number of world powers; and

WHEREAS, nuclear weapons testing increases mutual fear and suspicion among the nations of the world; and

WHEREAS, such fear and suspicion increase the likelihood of a nuclear war which would threaten the world's population with destruction;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association urge:

  1. That the heads of government of the nations of the world carry out the United Nations Resolution of November 6, 1961, calling for a voluntary uninspected moratorium of nuclear weapons tests; and
  2. That these heads of government then speedily negotiate a treaty providing for a permanent nuclear weapons test ban with adequate controls and supervision; and
  3. The members of the Unitarian and Universalist congregations of the United States and Canada indicate their strong support of such actions to their respective elected representatives and heads of government.