Nationwide Support of a Local Initiative to Stop the Arms Race 1981 General Resolution

WHEREAS, current policies of the governments of both the Soviet Union and the United States accelerate the arms race; and

WHEREAS, the arms race increases the probability of omnicidal nuclear war; and

WHEREAS, the arms race is a major contributor to the economic, social, and political dysfunction of both the Soviet and Western blocs; and

WHEREAS, President Eisenhower once said, "The people want peace so badly that governments ought to get out of their way and let them have it." —yet only we the people can make governments make peace; and

WHEREAS, the voters of western Massachusetts have shown the way by affirming by a vote of 59% to 41% Proposition 7 on their local ballot calling for a bilateral freeze by the United States and the USSR on nuclear weapons production;

BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1981 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association joins with the voters of western Massachusetts ". . . in favor of a resolution requesting the President of the United States to propose to the Soviet Union a mutual nuclear weapons moratorium, immediately halting the testing, production and deployment of all nuclear warheads, missiles, and delivery systems, and requesting Congress to transfer the funds that would have been used for those purposes to civilian use"; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Assembly urges its member churches and societies, the UUA Office of Social Responsibility, and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee to join with religious, peace, and civic groups to place the language of Proposition 7, above cited, on local and state ballot initiatives and/or petitions to elected officials.