Joint Declaration Peace Initiative 1984 General Resolution

WHEREAS, the heads of the governments of India, Mexico, Tanzania, Sweden, Greece and Argentina have undertaken jointly to intercede with the five major nuclear powers to secure agreements on a mutual, verifiable freeze on the testing, production and deployment of nuclear weapons and systems for their delivery, as the first stage of global disarmament; and

WHEREAS, this Joint Declaration is consistent both with the December 1983 United Nations General Assembly call for a freeze, and with resolutions previously passed by the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association;

BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1984 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association commend the signers of the Joint Declaration, and invite UUA President O. Eugene Pickett so to inform the "Parliamentarians for World Order," requesting that they extend the Assembly's commendations to the Declaration's signators; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Assembly calls on all Unitarian Universalist congregations to send similar letters of support, to publicize, and to urge other community organizers in their areas to do likewise.