Grape Boycott 1986 General Resolution

WHEREAS, the real and potential worth, dignity, and health of farm workers is currently threatened by practices in agricultural communities which threaten the entire eco-system; and

WHEREAS, it has been documented by the National Farm Worker Ministry and others that grape growers are now using deadly pesticides that poison farm workers, and cause cancer and birth defects in infants; and

WHEREAS, it is reported that over 300,000 farm workers are poisoned each year by pesticides (World Resources Institute); and

WHEREAS, the United Farm Workers of America have developed a "Wrath of Grapes" campaign to alert consumers about pesticides which are used on grapes, about the pesticide residue which remains on the grapes which consumers buy, and about the ways in which these pesticides harm farm workers; and

WHEREAS, the "Wrath of Grapes" boycott of fresh table grapes has been endorsed by the national Farm Worker Ministry, and experienced interfaith organization with 66 years of service with and to farm workers and now providing ministry to pesticide victims;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association endorses and supports the boycott of fresh table grapes and urges its member societies and individual Unitarian Universalists to observe the boycott, educate themselves and speak publicly about the pesticide dangers, and consider donations to the National Farm Worker Ministry, 111-A Fairmont Avenue, Oakland, CA 94611, for their advocacy of farm worker justice and serve to pesticide victims; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the General Assembly Planning Committee and other continental gathering committees be urged to convey to conference site personnel that Unitarian Universalists wish to observe the existing fresh table grape boycott.