Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression/Multiculturalism Resources

umbrella with BLM and love is love sing

Resources for congregations to address systemic oppression, create more inclusive ministries, and work for justice, equity, compassion, and liberation for all. Includes resources on race, class, disability, and LGBTQ. Want to stay update on all AR/AO/MC matters? Subscribe to the NER AR/AO/MC list.

Resources for UUs of Color

Dismantling White Supremacy Culture


Creating Spaces for Learning and Dialogue About Race and Racism

  • Building the World We Dream About, by Dr. Mark Hicks is a 24 session curriculum that seeks to transform how people from different racial/ethnic groups understand and relate to one another. (Can be adapted into 12 sessions)
  • Beloved Conversations, a program for Unitarian Universalists seeking to embody racial justice as a spiritual practice. In Beloved Conversations, we are here to heal the impact of racism on our lives, in order to get free together. (Virtual for 2021)
  • Examining Whiteness: An Anti-Racism Curriculum, by Rev. Dr. William Gardiner


Disability Justice

Welcoming Congregations and LGBTQ Inclusion

Class Awareness and Inclusion

Learning Together: Non-UU Curricula