Closing words bring the service to an end and prepare people to return home. If the service has been thematically tied together, the words can be a summation, a parting thought, a final nugget for people to reflect on throughout the week.

Benediction comes from the Latin, to speak well or the good words, and are a final blessing on the community. Benedictions are a blessing: words of comfort, strength, and encouragement for the week to come.

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  • [And now], since the struggle deepens, since evil abides, and good does not yet prosper, Let us gather what strength we have, what confidence and valor that our small victories may end in triumph, and the world awaited be a world attained.
    Benediction | By Barrow Dunham | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Acceptance, Activism, Commitment, Hope, Strength