Committed to Respond

An arc of Earth's surface, blue oceans and swirling white clouds, taken from space

Committed to respond to the call of a wounded world…
We join together this day with loving hearts, hands and minds.
Embracing the interconnected web of water, air and earth…
We light a fire of sustaining hope, ever bright with love and justice.
May we bring forth this day new wisdom, strength and courage
To create a new world not of wealth, but well-being.
A world of new peace and abundance for all.
As we give thanks for this earth, our shared and singular home,
May we dedicate ourselves to its ongoing care.
Rising to the calls deep within us, and all around us…
May we respond today and always with courage and with love.

Pagan and Earth-Centered Voices in Unitarian Universalism

By Jerrie Kishpaugh Hildebrand, Shirley Ann Ranck

From Skinner House Books

23 essays by some of the most prominent leaders in Unitarian Universalist Paganism bring Pagan and Earth-centered theo/alogy to life for a new generation.

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