a Post-Election Prayer

Loving and Transforming Grace,
Source of creation who some know as God --
Be with us now.

We have endured the hard night of struggle for our nation’s soul
for lo these many months, and find ourselves looking inward,
to each other, to all fonts of wisdom, for guidance.

Some have experienced moments of rejoicing –
for glass ceilings shattered,
For a sense that our chosen candidate has prevailed –
And some may be in deep mourning
for the loss of the person we supported and believed in,
so that now, we are in the pit of despair.

Where do we go next?
How do we mend the wounds of this nation,
borne out of an audacious and tentative experiment in democracy?
How do we become united once more?

On this day –on all days going forward,
let us look to ourselves, into each others’ eyes, to the skies,
as we recognize that we must find ways to join together as never before
if we are to build the future we dream of.

Alone, we will surely fail.
Separated, we face defeat.
But together -- summoning up those angels Lincoln spoke of long ago,
We may yet redeem our country’s greatest hope –
Of one nation, respectful and loving of all people –
To give birth, again, to the dream.
Let us join now in silent prayer and contemplation.