Prayer for the Installation of a Minister

Spirit of Life, known to us in beginnings and endings,
In possibilities and promises
We give thanks for all that has led to this moment,
And all that is yet to come.

We give thanks for those who mentored us—
The women and men in our lives who were our teachers,
Who said the turning words of encouragement
When we needed them the most—

We give thanks for this church that has seen and embraced so much change,
And for all those who have sustained this community of faith for many years past and
For generations to come.

We give thanks for this minister and all that she has given and will give
to the living tradition we share.

May the words we have spoken and the dreams we have shared and the faith we have renewed this afternoon give this minister wisdom, comfort, and courage for all the days ahead, for the way is often hard, the path is never clear, and the stakes are very high.
But deep down there is another truth,
She is not, we are never alone.

Bless us in that knowledge, O Spirit of Life,
and let the congregation say: Amen.