Strengthening the United Nations 1967 General Resolution

CONVINCED that world order and peace require increased support for a strengthening of the United Nations, the Unitarian Universalist Association:

COMMENDS the continuing and courageous efforts of the Secretary General employing the facilities of the United Nations in peace-making and peace-keeping; and

URGES the governments of the United States and Canada to work for strengthening of the United Na-tions, with or without changes in its Charter, to make it an international instrument capable of assuring security and enforcing a rule of law among nations;

AND URGES that the United States Senate advise and consent to ratification of the following Human Rights Conventions:

  1. The Supplementary Convention of the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery, prepared under the direction of the United Nations in 1956, to which 61 nations are now parties;
  2. The Convention on the Abolition of Forced Labor, adopted by the International Labor Organization in 1957, to which 74 nations are now parties;
  3. The Convention on the Political Rights of Women, opened for signature by the United Nations in 1953, to which 44 nations are now parties (as requested by President Kennedy nearly four years ago); and
  4. To advise and consent to ratification of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.