Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Wonderful Welcome: A Program for Children Grades K-1

Activity 5: Making A Paper Chain

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Construction paper in various colors
  • Scissors, including left-handed scissors
  • Thin markers
  • Tape

Preparation for Activity

  • Read Alternate Activity 1: Paper Chain Covenant and, if you have time, consider substituting this activity in which children write the key words of their covenant on strips of paper before joining the strips in a chain.
  • Cut colored construction paper into strips at least 8" long.

Description of Activity

Distribute paper strips and markers at work tables. Invite children to write their names on strips of paper. When they have finished, show them how to form a circle by attaching the ends of the strip of paper. Tape your circle closed to make the first link of a paper chain. Invite each child to add their link to the chain to make it grow. As each child adds their link, ask them to repeat after you:

I agree to follow the covenant, the promises we have made.

After each child has added to the chain, say:

We have made a covenant together and we all agree to do our best to keep it.

Allow the children to add more links to the paper chain.

Including All Participants

Writing skills can vary widely in this age group. Some children may need help writing their names. It is also okay if some prefer to write their initials or draw a picture instead of writing their names.