Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Love Connects Us: A Program on Living in Unitarian Universalist Covenant for Grades 4-5

Alternate Activity 2: Role Play on Helping Others

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Pieces of fabric, hats, and/or scarves for simple costume props
  • Boxes of various sizes for set props

Preparation for Activity

  • Gather props for costumes or the set.

Description of Activity

Form groups of three or four. Tell the group their task is to create a role play based on either the life of Elizabeth Blackwell as she struggles to overcome the obstacles she faced in becoming a doctor or another scenario where a person is faced with obstacles in their attempts to help others. Give the group ten minutes to come up with their role play scenarios. Encourage the groups to find a role for every member. Then, ask the groups to take turns presenting their role plays to the entire group.

After the role plays, invite group reflection with questions such as:

  • What did the characters want to do to help others? What obstacles did they face?
  • Were the obstacles they faced realistic? Was how they were dealt with realistic?
  • What did the role plays show us about overcoming obstacles?

Including All Participants

Some participants may feel more self-conscious than others when doing role plays or acting in a presentation before a group. Form teams that mix more reserved individuals with those who like to be the center of attention.