What Happens @ GA...

By Jeremie Bateman

Spread the Word – We're Not in Las Vegas

Thinking about attending GA? Wondering about getting your youth group to make the trip? Unsure exactly what actually goes on at General Assembly for youth?

The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries has put together a short video sharing what the youth experience at General Assembly includes. We hope it will be a resource for you, your youth group and your congregation.

We want to see you in Providence! [vimeo 77619308] For more information about youth attendance at General Assembly, you visit the following pages: www.uua.org/youth/events/gacaucus : introduces Youth Caucus and its purpose, including a slideshow, and links directly to our FAQ about youth at GA, opportunities for youth leadership, scholarships and more. www.uua.org/ga : contains everything you need to know about General Assembly, including dates, costs, deadlines In the coming weeks, we’ll also be putting together a GA 2014 page here on Blue Boat that will including planning materials, resources, information and links to important pages.