Alternate Sources and Conservation of Energy 1981 General Resolution

WHEREAS, the United States must, out of economic, ecological, and political necessity, develop alternate sources of energy and means of conserving energy; and

WHEREAS, the United States cannot continue to be dependent on oil, especially oil produced by OPEC; and

WHEREAS, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and other national groups, out of alarm over the dangers implicit in the use of nuclear energy, urge the development of solar energy;

BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1981 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association urges all churches, fellowships and individuals to request their United States Representatives and Senators to legislate:

  1. Greater financial commitment to long-range basic research and development of solar and other alternate renewable sources of energy and means of conserving energy;
  2. The institution and support of educational programs at all levels in schools throughout the United States on alternate renewable sources of energy and means of conserving energy; and
  3. Greater financial incentives in the form of larger tax rebates to persons who adopt alternate sources of energy and/or means of conserving energy.