Love Resists Campaign

"Activating people of faith and conscience to resist the harm inflicted by criminalization. Creating safer, more just, welcoming and sustainable communities." Picture of Unitarian Universalists raise their hands in celebration.
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Raise your voice, invest in partners and expand sanctuary in your community.

Download resources and tools to bring the Love Resists campaign to your community by expanding sanctuary, growing solidarity and raising your voice.

We must provide Safe spaces for those under threat. people of faith and conscience are expanding what it means to offer "sanctuary" to include not only physical sanctuary, but also sanctuary policies, sanctuary campuses, and sanctuary community support networks.

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Accompaniment of individuals and families facing ICE and courts centers people's dignity and choices in a system that takes away dignity and choice. We fight for one another as we would for family or friends because we are family and friends.

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On any given night, more than 450,000 people who have not been convicted of any crime are locked up in jail simply because they don't have enough money to pay bail. Universalism means no one is disposable and interdependence means that none of us are truly free as long as people are in jail.

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  • The Power of Presence: Your Struggle is Ours
    From Love Resists

    A statement by Unitarian Universalist Association and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee As Unitarian Universalists, our faith calls us toward moral action affirming the sacredness of all life, regardless of repressive laws and legal consequences designed to criminalize our actions....

  • We Must Resist Fascist Federal Attacks on our Cities
    From Love Resists

    As the movement to Defend Black Lives, Defund Police, and invest in and transform our communities gains momentum, violent repressive responses from the state are also on the rise. And, as always, Black/Indigenous/people of color communities, queer and trans people, and other frontline groups are...

  • All Prisoners are Political Prisoners
    From Love Resists

    The last time Rattler called from Sandstone prison, I had just returned from the first action here in Fargo to commemorate the brutal murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and too many other Black people killed by police.

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