Youth Ministry Working Group
The Youth Ministry Working Group (YMWG) was established by the Unitarian Universalist Association's former President Rev. William G. Sinkford in 2008 and charged with recommending a strategic imagination and framework for youth ministry. The YMWG Recommendations for Youth Ministry (PDF, 24 pages) represents the culmination of a multi-year process involving thousands of Unitarian Universalists (UUs) at every level of our Association. Drawn from the findings of the Consultation on Ministry to and with Youth and the recommendations of the Summit on Youth Ministry, the YMWG Recommendations offers both specific suggestions and a call for a broad culture change in our faith communities to nurture a vibrant youth ministry and UU faith. This ministry requires all our efforts to be successful.
We also encourage you to visit the related Mosaic Project Report, which addresses ministry to and with youth and young adults of color, a ministry integral to our faith.
Engaging with the Report
To help you explore the Youth Ministry Working Group Recommendations and adopt its recommendations in your own congregation or organization, a series of user guides are available to view and download below:
These guides highlight recommendations of specific interest, provide context or clarification, and make suggestions for discussion and implementation.
Additional ways to engage with the recommendations:
- Become a fan of the UU Youth Ministry Facebook Page—leave comments and questions.
- Join the discussion on the blog Blue Boat to ask questions, share ideas, and explore opportunities with other Unitarian Universalists engaged in youth ministry.
- Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter.