Stage One: Welcoming

Welcoming is the first of five stages of young adult ministry development in congregations. Find more information on the five stages.


There are not really any young adults in the congregation. If they visit, they do not tend to stay. Other congregations in the area may have vibrant young adult groups, but they don’t seem to have found us yet. In the congregation there may be a desire for the involvement of younger generations of adults, but it is hard to know where to start.


  • Increase presence in the broader community, including ensuring that your website is a welcoming “virtual front door. ”
  • Examine worship- is it authentic and spiritually nourishing?
  • Ensure activities of congregational life are accessible.
  • Learn about what young adults seek in congregations


52 Ways to Ignite Your Congregation Practical Hospitality

A practical and timely resource for clergy and laity to assist in extending hospitality to newcomers, making them feel welcome, and taking positive steps to ensure they look forward to returning.

52 Ways to Ignite Your Congregation