Church of the Larger Fellowship: Young Adult & Campus Ministry Anchor Congregation

  • Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF), Unitarian Universalist CLF worked with young adult members to create its young adult ministry, the Church of the Younger Fellowship, in 2005. Church of the Younger Fellowship (CYF) has it's own distinct online community created and run by young adults, and has now grown to over 650 members world-wide. The community includes discussion forums, a religious library, regional and other interest groups and religious education resources, among other things. CYF is a program under the Church of the Larger Fellowship, and members are able to utilize everything else CLF has to offer. The CYF is lead by the volunteer efforts of the member-run Steering Committee with the generous support of adult allies, clergy and the CLF staff. Our church is open 24 hours a day and can be accessed anywhere in the world, allowing for convenience and stability in the often changing lives of our young adult members.
    Read more about the CLF's young adult ministry, Church of the Younger Fellowship. For more information, contact Laura Jones, CLF/CYF Board Liaison, at
    Received Anchor Congregation designation in 2007.