Board Nominates Co-Moderator Greve to Continue Leadership Role
December 11, 2017
The UUA Board of Trustees announces its nomination of Mr. Barb Greve for the 2018 special election to fill the bylaw-mandated position of “moderator," in order to continue the interim Co-Moderator leadership team of Mr. Greve and Elandria Williams until the regularly scheduled election of a new moderator in 2019. In the summer of 2017, the UUA Board appointed Greve and Williams as Co-Moderators of the Association to fill the vacancy left by Jim Key’s untimely passing. Co-Moderator Greve’s appointment was to hold the bylaw-mandated role of “moderator” until a special election was able to be held at General Assembly 2018 in Kansas City, MO; if he is elected, he will continue to serve as Co-Moderator for another year. Co-Moderator Williams’s appointment was to share the duties of “moderator” as a voting member of the Board for two years, so this appointment lasts through the regularly scheduled election of 2019.
The Board applauds the service of Co-Moderators Williams and Greve, and looks forward to their continuing leadership.