Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: A Place of Wholeness: A Program for Youth Exploring Their Own Unitarian Universalist Faith Journeys

Handout 2: Debate Preparation Steps

Follow these steps to prepare for a reasoned debate.

Debate Issue: the death penalty

Step 1: Identify sources of knowledge on this issue. You might want to refer to the brainstorm developed earlier in the workshop.

Step 2: Reflect on what you know about this issue and what you have experienced related to this issue. What knowledge comes out of that experience?

Step 3: Gather information! Use whatever resources are available to you.

Step 4: Seek input. What do others think about this issue?

Step 5: Weigh the information you have gathered. What makes sense to you? What does not?

Step 6: Piece together, through discussion, what you know, what you have experienced, and the information you have gathered to come to a conclusion.

Step 7: Write a statement to share in the debate that argues the conclusion you have reached. Make sure that the statement includes some information about your sources and the process of reason you went through. Keep the statement to three minutes or less.