Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: A Place of Wholeness: A Program for Youth Exploring Their Own Unitarian Universalist Faith Journeys

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Roots of a Unitarian Universalist Theology of Love

Many of the early Universalist original writings can now be found online and give some helpful insight to their ideas about universal salvation and a loving God.

The website Religion Facts has an interesting article on Origen of Alexandria.

Of course, the notion of agape love is not unique to Universalism. Explore this theme further by reading Agape Love: A Tradition Found in Eight World Religions, by John Templeton (West Conshohocken PA: Templeton Foundation Press, 1999).

UUA Standing on the Side of Love Campaign

The Unitarian Universalist Association has started a major advocacy campaign called Standing on the Side of Love. The goal of this campaign is to promote the inherent worth and dignity of all people by talking on issues of exclusion, oppression and violence based on identity.

Lectio Divina

The Cistercian monk and prior of the Tarrawarra Abbey in Victoria, Australia, Michael Casey has written a book and Lectio Divina called Sacred Reading: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina. Lingouri, MO: Lingouri/Triumph Press, 996. There are several online sites about this practice, including Introduction to Lectio Divina.

Loving Kindness Meditation

The website Beliefnet has an alternate script for the Loving Kindness meditation that also includes an audio recording of the script.