Alternate Activity 1: Spiritual Autobiography
Part of A Place of Wholeness
Activity time: 45 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Copies of Handout 3, Spiritual Metaphor-Spiritual Autobiography, for all participants
- Participants' journals
- Markers, crayons, colored pencils
Description of Activity
In this activity, participants explore their spiritual autobiography. This activity is adapted with permission from Search Institute®. Copyright © 2008 Search Institute, Minneapolis, MN; 800-888-7828; All rights reserved.
Tell participants they have two options. The first is to draw or describe their spiritual metaphor, and the second is to write their spiritual autobiography. Explain that they will have a chance to share what they create if they choose to do so. Distribute Handout 3, Spiritual Metaphor-Spiritual Autobiography and direct them to the supplies.
After about 20 minutes, call them back together. If you have a large group you might break them into smaller groups so people have more time to share. For the next 20 minutes let them share their creations. Gather the whole group together to consider the following questions:
- What was similar about your spiritual journeys?
- What was different?
- Why do you think some things were similar and others different?
- If there are differences, is one way "right" and the other ways "wrong?"