Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: A Place of Wholeness: A Program for Youth Exploring Their Own Unitarian Universalist Faith Journeys

Leader Resource 1: Unitarian Universalists Role in New Orleans Recovery

Compiled from articles in UU World.

Cut the handout so that there is one action on each slip of paper. Tell participants ahead of time that you will let them know when it is time in the story to read the action aloud. When it is time, invite those with slips of paper to read their actions aloud, one at a time and in no particular order.

Developed formal congregational partnerships with Greater New Orleans Unitarian Universalists.

Raised millions of dollars for Greater New Orleans Unitarian Universalist congregations to rebuild, as well as for community organizations aiding in the recovery.

Housed people who were forced to evacuate the Gulf Coast area.

Helped evacuees find housing, jobs, and health care while away from home.

Provided emotional and spiritual support.

Paid for one New Orleans church's mortgage for a period of time.

Sent hundreds of volunteers to New Orleans to help with rebuilding.

Coordinated volunteers.

Started programs to train volunteers in construction skills.

Provided training for volunteers on the role of race and class in the rebuilding and recovery of New Orleans.

Provided trauma ministry.

Picked up fallen trees.

Answered phones at the Baton Rouge church.

Educated and raised awareness about the situation in New Orleans and how people can help.

Wrote poems and songs.

Made films.