Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: A Place of Wholeness: A Program for Youth Exploring Their Own Unitarian Universalist Faith Journeys

Closing for Workshop 10

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Copies of Singing the Living Tradition for all participants
  • Copies of Taking It Home
  • Optional: A piano or a recorded version of the song

Preparation for Activity

  • Optional: Arrange for musical accompaniment.

Description of Activity

To close the workshop, ask a couple of participants to share brief reflections from the journaling exercise about their beliefs, feelings, and actions in response to today's workshop. Wrap up the sharing after five minutes.

Introduce the song, "Here We Have Gathered," written by Alicia Carpenter, a Unitarian Universalist professional singer and songwriter.

Invite youth to read the words silently. Do any lyrics remind them of our understanding of covenants?

Invite participants to rise in body or spirit and sing "Here We Have Gathered," Hymn 360 in Singing the Living Tradition.

Invite a participant to extinguish the chalice and distribute Taking It Home.

Including All Participants

An invitation to "rise in body or spirit" accommodates participants of all physical abilities.