Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Virtue Ethics: An Ethical Development Program for High School Youth

Activity 3: Said and Done

Activity time: 30 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Print the Leader Resource. Cut apart the quotations and put them in the basket.
  • Decide how you will form teams.
  • Read over the quotes with your co-leader and be ready to suggest possible real life scenarios, should youth need help.

Description of Activity

Participants use quotes about humility to create skits.

Tell the group that Confucius said, "Humility is the solid foundation of all the virtues." Ask:

  • What do you think Confucius meant by this?
  • Can you give an example?

Say that sometimes an idea can sound great in abstract, but is harder to translate well to real life situations. Invite youth to practice translating noble sentiments into real life situations. The group will break into teams. Each team will randomly pick a quote and invent a real life situation to illustrate the wisdom of the quote. Turn the situation into a short skit, three minutes or less.

Divide into teams of three or more. Do not have more than four teams. Let each team pick a quote from the basket, without reading it beforehand. Let teams discuss and rehearse in private spaces, if available, for 10 minutes. If a team has difficulty thinking of a skit to illustrate their quote, either be ready with suggestions or let them pick another quote.

After 15 minutes, gather the group back together and ask teams to present their skits. Afterwards, discuss the skits.

  • What was the process like?
  • Some quotes did not mention the word "humility" at all. Was it difficult to establish what the quote had to do with humility?
  • If the Marianne Williamson quote was used, what is the difference between what she describes and pride?
  • Did participants use humility during the planning of the skit? In what ways? Does humility-understanding that you are no better nor worse than anyone else, acknowledging that everyone has unique gifts to share, not seeking to promote your ideas above anyone else's-make for a good team player?
  • What qualities have you seen in the opposite: a "bad sport"?
  • What common themes could be identified in the skits?
  • In what ways did constructing the skit help you understand the practice of humility?