Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Virtue Ethics: An Ethical Development Program for High School Youth


Part of Virtue Ethics

Activity time: 5 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle
  • Taking It Home

Preparation for Activity

  • Adapt the Taking It Home section and copy for all participants.
  • Optional: Print the closing quotation (below) for a volunteer to read.

Description of Activity

Have a volunteer read the quotation while another extinguishes the chalice:

It's a very Aboriginal thing to do, to give younger people greater responsibilities within the community as they become able to take those responsibilities on. It is a culturally appropriate transfer of roles that involves respect in both directions... from the younger to the older and the older to the younger. - Jackie Huggins, author, historian and human rights activist

Distribute Taking It Home.