Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Virtue Ethics: An Ethical Development Program for High School Youth

Spiritual Preparation

Spend time reflecting on the first Unitarian Universalist Principle: the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Does this translate into "respect everyone?" Why, or why not? Are there people in your life for whom you have lost respect? How did that happen? How do you feel about the loss? If it is hurtful to you, is there a way the respect can be regained? Does the person know they no longer have your respect? If not, perhaps a conversation is in order. If respect was lost because of someone's behavior, do you fully understand why they acted the way they did? Could they explain themselves to you? Should they have to?

Consider also the reverse: Is there a friend who has lost respect for you? Is a conversation in order? Do you wish to explain yourself? Should you have to?

Is it easier to lose respect for someone we care about and feel we know well, than for a stranger?

How do you define or describe "respect?"