Alternate Activity 2: Between Two Extremes
Activity time: 30 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers, and tape
Preparation for Activity
- Research organizations in your area that provide assistance for addictions. Post their website addresses and phone numbers on newsprint, folding the page over so you can reveal the information at the end of the activity.
Description of Activity
Teams role play moderate behavior.
Divide the group into teams of three or more. Ask each team to think of a common situation, such as at school, with friends or family, or at a job, where they have witnessed extreme behavior. The role play should include both sides of extreme behavior (over-indulging versus never indulging), and it should also show using moderation.
You might suggest getting tattoos/piercings; exercise; physical appearance/fashion; schoolwork with an eye toward grades. Give teams a few minutes to rehearse. Then re-gather the group and have teams present their role plays.
After the role plays, process:
- Are there some behaviors that you think you should never indulge in?
- Sometimes people over indulge in behaviors because of an addiction. Can an addict always simply stop their addictive behavior? What ways exist for people to seek help with addictions?
Display the newsprint and ask everyone to copy the information in their journals or, if you created a handout, pass it out now.