Faith In Action: Fun and Fundraising
Activity time: 30 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint and markers
Preparation for Activity
- Optional: Visit Donors Choose and research possible projects to present to the group.
Description of Activity
- To what cause could we donate? Is there a connection between the cause and our poetry? Can the cause be the event's theme? For example, to raise funds for Heifer International, participants could include poems on themes of farming life, international rural poverty, or domesticated animals. They could also consider donating to a project that involves increasing literacy or supports creativity.
- Should we sell tickets, food, or something else? Should we ask for donations at the door?
- How can we publicize the event?
- Who will take responsibility for the funds we raise?
- Do we need to seek approval from the Board of Trustees or another committee in the congregation to fundraise? How will that be done?
One possible resource for projects in need of sponsors is Your group can pick a project based on a theme (such as poetry) and/or based on location; the project could benefit your community or your neighbors. Your congregation's social justice committee is another resource you can approach for ideas.
If participants decide to add a fundraising element to the Poetry Slam, make sure individuals assume responsibility for specific tasks. Use newsprint to create a list of the tasks involved, and include the name(s) of those who volunteer to complete each task. As you get closer to the date of the performance, especially if you are leading Workshops 11 and 12, remember to include updates on the planning efforts for the fundraiser as you plan other aspects of the Poetry Slam.