Workshop 2: Surprised By Beauty Part of Exploring Our Values Through Poetry, High School In This Section Introduction From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry The glory of youths is their strength, but the beauty of the aged is their grey hair. Proverbs 20:29 Today's workshop focuses on our experience of beauty. Taking time to appreciate the beautiful is one way to renew the sense of awe and wonder that our spirits need. This workshop includes a guided... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry ACTIVITY MINUTES Opening 5 Activity 1: In Search of Beauty, Part 1 15 Activity 2: True Beauty 10 Activity 3: Meditation on Beauty 15 Activity 4: In Search of Beauty, Part 2 10 Faith in Action: Beauty Is as Beauty Does Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: My Beautiful Poem 20 Alternate Activity 2:... Spiritual Preparation From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Often the spiritual preparation includes questions for reflection. Reflecting upon our lives is important, but sometimes it is good not to overanalyze. In preparation for today's workshop, spend a few moments soaking up beauty. Spend time in a place where you will be surrounded by beauty.... Opening From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice and matches Description of Activity Use the Opening designed by your group or the one provided below. Gather around the chalice. As a volunteer lights the chalice, ask the group to focus on the word "beauty" in silence. After about fifteen... Activity 1: In Search Of Beauty, Part 1 From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint or dry erase board and markers Pen or pencils and journal Preparation for Activity Decide where you will send participants to do this activity and for how long.... Activity 2: True Beauty From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity ¨Handout 1, “The Prophet on Beauty” Preparation for Activity Photocopy Handout 1,”The Prophet on Beauty”, one for each participant. Description of Activity Participants use a poem to reflect upon what we call “beauty”. Distribute Handout... Activity 3: Meditation On Beauty From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, Beauty Meditation Journals and pens or pencils Optional: CD player and music Preparation for Activity Review Leader Resource 1, Beauty Meditation. Arrange the room for a comfortable meditation, making sure you have enough... Activity 4: In Search Of Beauty, Part 2 From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Pens or pencils and journals Description of Activity Participants find out if their sensitivity to beauty was heightened by the meditation and/or discussion. Tell the group they are going on another hunt for beauty.... Closing From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Singing the Living Tradition, one for each participant Preparation for Activity If hymnals are not always available, you might want to print the words below on newsprint and post them in the meeting room. Description of Activity Use the Closing... Leader Reflection and Planning From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Discuss with your co-leader which activities flowed well and which needed adjustments. Was the level of movement in this workshop received well by the group? Did participants come back to the meeting space when asked or did it take effort to gather everyone back together?... Faith In Action: Beauty Is As Beauty Does From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Materials for Activity Pens or pencils and paper Description of Activity Participants explore how art can be used not only to imitate life, but to hold up higher aspirations to people. Invite participants to think about the common saying "beauty is as beauty does." What does it mean? Can... Alternate Activity 1: My Beautiful Poem From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity List of beauty (from Activities 1 and 4, In Search of Beauty, Parts 1 and 2) Journals and pens or pencils Description of Activity Participants write a poem about beauty. Invite participants to create poems that communicate something about their... Alternate Activity 2: Designing An Opening And Closing From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity Ask if anyone has ever participated in an activity that opens with a chalice lighting. Many Unitarian Universalist worship services open with this ritual. Say that you would like this group to have both an opening and a closing ritual for their... Taking It Home: Surprised By Beauty From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry The glory of youths is their strength, but the beauty of the aged is their grey hair. Proverbs 20:29 DURING TODAY'S WORKSHOP... We searched for beauty in our surroundings and shared what we found.... Handout 1: The Prophet on Beauty From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry from The Prophet by Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931)Beauty XXV But the restless say, "We have heard her shouting among the mountains, And with her cries came the sound of hoofs, and the beating of wings and the roaring of lions." At night the watchmen of the city say, "Beauty shall rise with the... Leader Resource 1: Beauty Meditation From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry Arrange the room so participants can sit comfortably in a private space. Before you start the meditation, set a timer for ten minutes. Otherwise, keep an eye on a nearby clock. Throughout the meditation, speak with a clear, soft voice. Alternate your spoken instructions with periods of silence,... Find Out More From Exploring Our Values Through Poetry For more suggestions of websites that publish young people's poetry, visit poetryclassKhalil Gibran. PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Exploring Our Values Through Poetry NEXT: Introduction Download all of Exploring Our Values Through Poetry (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.