Handout 1: Preparing for the Poetry Slam Review

During the final workshop of this program, your leaders will ask you to reflect on your Poetry Slam experience. This handout will get your thinking started about what you might write at that time; you do not need to do the assignment until then.

Choose one of the following ways to reflect upon the Poetry Slam:

  • Prepare a one page, journal-style response to planning and presenting the Poetry Slam.
  • Write a poem about the experience of presenting poetry, from the perspective of either a reader/performer or an organizer responsible for another aspect of the Poetry Slam.
  • Write three to five open-ended questions you would like to ask an audience member after the poetry event. Yes/No questions such as "Did you like it?" are not allowed!

You may choose to provide reflection by any of the three options. To reiterate, you do not need to work on this at home; your leaders will provide time during the final workshop to complete the assignment.