Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Families: A Jr. High School Youth Program that Explores the Diversity, Commonality, and Meaning of Families


Activity time: 5 minutes

Description of Activity

  • Gather participants together in a circle.
  • Pragmatics:
    • Ask for a volunteer to write some chalice lighting words for next time.
    • For the next session, ask participants to bring objects that help express who they are and their identities as student, soccer player, cook, and the like.
    • Arrange and/or confirm youth co-leaders for next session (optional).
  • Invite participants to reflect on the session: What worked? What did not?
  • Close with a benediction. If your congregation has one that youth know, use that. If not, share a simple blessing such as:

May the spirit of life and love hold you and keep you until we meet again.