Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Families: A Jr. High School Youth Program that Explores the Diversity, Commonality, and Meaning of Families

Welcoming and Entering

Part of Families

Materials for Activity

  • Poster board for creating Point-of-View displays
  • Tape and/or glue for Point-of-View displays
  • Youths' sketches from the previous session
  • Poster board or large paper for poster creation
  • Markers

Description of Activity

Point-of-View Follow-Up

Provide poster board on which participants can mount their images and sketches from the Point-of-View activity in the last session. These posters may be used as part of the photo-documentary project. During Session 10, the group will have a chance to make such a decision.

Create Family Event Posters

If more families are needed for the project, you can recruit them for Family Event 2. Invite participants to create lovely, colorful, catchy posters to advertise Family Event 2 and the accompanying photo-documentation project. Provide participants with adequate poster making supplies and the information they will list on the posters.