Activity 1: Family Event Posters
Part of Families, Jr. High School
Activity time: 10 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint and markers
- Poster board or drawing paper, markers and pencils
Preparation for Activity
- Prepare a sheet with pertinent information about the Family Events, such as date, time, location, and food to be provided.
- Consult the religious educator and any other member of the congregation who can help you decide where to display the Family Event posters.
Description of Activity
If you plan to host a Family Event during which some project photography will occur, have participants make appealing posters to advertise the event. Provide markers, paper, and a sheet with pertinent information (day, time, what to bring, and so on) to guide poster creation.
While working on the poster, review the photo-documentary project; mention ideas about families that participants generated in previous sessions. Invite participants to think about all of the families they know in the congregation. How do the families vary in size, members, structure, and so on? Use newsprint to record ideas.
Display the posters where the entire congregation can easily see them.
Including All Participants
Remember to display some posters at a lower level so that shorter people and people in wheelchairs can see them more easily.