Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Families: A Jr. High School Youth Program that Explores the Diversity, Commonality, and Meaning of Families

Participant Feedback Form

Please complete and return to a Families leader.

1. What is your overall rating of the program? Circle one.

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor


2. What is your overall rating of the photo-documentary project? Circle one.

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor


3. What did you like best about the program?

4. What do you think could be improved next time?

5. What do you think about the length each session? Please check one.

____ Too long ____ Just right ____Too short


6. What do you think about the number of sessions? Please check one.

____ Too many ____ Just right ____Too few


7. Did you have enough time to work on the photo-documentary project?

____ Too long ____ Just right ____Too short


8. What are three things you learned during the program?

9. Please rate your facilitators' skills leading the program. Circle one.

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor


10. What suggestions for improvement in the way the program is conducted would you offer to the facilitators?