Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Families: A Jr. High School Youth Program that Explores the Diversity, Commonality, and Meaning of Families

Alternate Activity 2: Work on the Photo-documentary Project

Materials for Activity

  • Materials that are required to begin the Photo-Documentary display (see Session 11, Activity 2, Creating the Photo-Documentary Display)

Preparation for Activity

  • If you feel you need more than one session to complete the final project, and scheduling time outside of class is prohibitive, be prepared to begin work on the display during this session.
  • Read Session 11, Activity 2, Creating the Photo-Documentary Display. Choose the steps you can accomplish during the time that is available in this session.
  • Gather the materials you need to begin work on the display.

Description of Activity

Explain to participants that, because of the time required to assemble the final photo-documentary display, they will start the process during this session. Present the steps you hope to complete.