Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Small, smooth stones or blank index cards for all participants
- Permanent markers (or paint pens)
- A basket or bowl
- Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook
- Chalice, candle and lighter or LED battery-operated candle
- Taking It Home
Preparation for Activity
- Adapt Taking It Home and copy for all participants or arrange to distribute by email after the workshop.
- Arrange stones (or cards) in the basket.
Description of Activity
Say, in your own words:
Today you have engaged with difficulties that might arise in your work as interfaith leaders. Let's take a moment to take long, deep breaths. (Model at least three deep inhales and exhales.)
Let us close this workshop by reminding ourselves what sustains us. I invite each of you to take a stone (or card) and write on it a word of encouragement that you can keep with you to remind you of why interfaith service work is important to you.
Pass out stones and markers. Give participants a few minutes to write their word.
Invite each participant to share their words, with a reminder that they are free to pass.
When all who wish to have shared, lead the group to read together, Reading 698, "Take courage friends... " by Wayne Arnason.
Extinguish the chalice. Distribute Taking It Home. Thank and dismiss participants.