Taking It Home
If we want a beloved community, we must stand for justice, have recognition for difference without attaching difference to privilege. — bell hooks, author, feminist, and social activist
IN TODAY'S WORKSHOP... We engaged with the story of the historical march from Selma to Montgomery, where leaders from many different faiths, including Unitarian Universalists, joined with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to fight for the civil rights of African Americans. We heard stories of members of our congregation and learned about interfaith work that is happening in our community. Here are a few activities to continue your exploration:
- Ask members of your family if they know the role of Unitarian Universalists James Reeb and Viola Liuzzo in the march from Selma to Montgomery. Tell the story as you learned it.
- Find out more about the Civil Rights Era by watching the PBS series Eyes on the Prize (produced by African American Henry Hampton, who worked for the Unitarian Universalist Association in Boston, before he became an independent filmmaker).
- Many Unitarian Universalist congregations from all over the country sent their ministers to Selma to march with the Rev. Dr. King. Talk to an older member of the congregation to find out if your congregation's minister at the time was a part of this historical event, or in other Civil Rights Era activities. Why or why not? Ask if they know whether other faith communities' leaders from your area might have taken part in the march or in other civil rights activities.
- Create a scrapbook journal with quotes and/or pictures of interfaith leaders that inspire your own interest in interfaith work. What about these words or people inspires you? Add your own reflections or poems about how you envision your emerging leadership style.
- Everyone has more than one way they identify themselves. When you have the opportunity to meet with your interfaith partners, find out about other aspects of their lives. You might have a great deal in common. You might even make a new friend.