Alternate Activity 2: It Could Be
Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- One paper plate and craft stick for each youth
- Craft items, including old magazines, felt, glitter, paint, paint brushes, scissors and glue sticks
Description of Activity
Youth use their imaginations to design a mask that allows people to see the world as it could be, not as it is. Ask youth to think of an issue that they believe is one of the most important issues in the world today. Invite them to create a mask. When someone wears the mask, they act in a specific way that would make the world a better place. Does the wearer listen more? Do they shout less? Does the wearer pick up litter whenever they see it? Do they compliment others more?
When everyone has a mask, invite them to demonstrate their creations to the group by showing how someone acts without the mask and then with the mask. Once everyone has shared, ask what it feels like to imagine the world as it could be. Is that important to do as you work for justice? Why or why not?