Activity 2: Story - The Colombian Children's Peace Movement
Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Copy of the story "The Colombian Children's Peace Movement"
Preparation for Activity
- Read the story until you are comfortable presenting it.
- Optional: Make copies of the story for youth to share and read along.
Description of Activity
Youth hear and discuss a true story about children trying to bring peace to their war-torn country. Tell or read the story "The Colombian Children's Peace Movement." Follow the story with a discussion:
- What thoughts about peace are reflected in this story?
- Do you agree that peace begins with the individual?
- The UNICEF model that was used in Colombia has been used in other countries, sometimes successfully. Though the children have not ended violence in their country, did anything positive come about because of their work?
- What are some of the reasons why a populace might want peace, yet still be plagued by war?
Including All Participants
Have enough copies of the story to share with visual learners.