Activity 2: Story - A Circle of Forgiveness
Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Copy of the story "A Circle of Forgiveness"
Preparation for Activity
- Read the story until you are comfortable presenting it.
- Optional: Make copies of the story for youth to share and read along.
Description of Activity
Youth hear a story that introduces the Unitarian Universalist idea that forgiveness is connected to the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Gather participants in a circle and tell or read the story. Discussion questions following the story include:
- If you were a member of the congregation in this story, would you have wanted to meet Jeremy? Why or why not?
- Our first Principle asks us to promote and affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Does this include people who are in prison? What if Jeremy refused to participate in the Restorative Justice Circle? Would the first Principle have applied to him then?
- Does promoting and affirming the inherent worth and dignity mean that people should have "second chances"? Are there some wrongs that are so awful that people who committed them do not deserve forgiveness or a second chance?
- What are your thoughts on restorative justice circles and the issue of forgiveness?