I would like to thank Reverend Leslie Takahashi Morris and Reverend Clyde Grubbs for helping her understand linked oppressions in deeper ways and Reverend David Sammons, Reverend Kurt Kuhwald and Reverend David Pettee for shining the light on Unitarian Universalist ministry. I also would like to thank Jessica York, and the entire Tapestry of Faith staff for living UU values in the intricacies of working for the greater good. As ever, everything I do is for my precious children: and all the children and youth of the world. - Jodi Tharan
Thanks to Cathy Cartwright for her encouragement, support and humor. Many thanks to Jessica York for her patience, diligence, and humor. To my mom, Susan Bowmer, for being an extraordinary role model of compassion, laughter, and love. And to those facing the complexities of living lives of justice, with speeches that roar and statements that whisper, with deeds found in the headlines and those erased from the fine print, my gratitude and appreciation for making this program possible. Carry on. - Nicole Bowmer