Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Building Bridges: A World Religions Program for 8th-9th Grades

Welcoming and Entering

Materials for Activity

  • Leader Resource 1, Cave Drawings
  • Newspaper or drop cloth
  • Modeling clay
  • Large sheets of drawing paper
  • Charcoal drawing sticks
  • Tape

Preparation for Activity

  • Print several copies of Leader Resource 1, Cave Drawings.
  • Mold a small clay figurine of a human and place it near the materials.
  • Cover one or more work tables with newspaper or drop cloth to protect the surface. Then, set out the clay figurine you have made, modeling clay, drawing paper, and drawing sticks. Place copies of Leader Resource 1 around the work area.

Description of Activity

Participants create simple, human- and nature-oriented art work.

As participants enter, invite them sit in the work area and mold a very simple image with clay or create cave-style drawings. Suggest they draw things they think would be important in the life of a person living in a very simple, close-to-the-earth culture. As participants finish, tape their drawings to walls around the room and display their figures on work tables.