Find Out More about Workshop 20: Cults
The Ross Institute Internet Archives offers links to many articles on Jones, the Peoples Temple, and the tragedy in British Guyana.
Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple, posted by the Department of Religious Studies at San Diego State University, provides a number of resources, including memorials of those who died and primary accounts from Peoples Temple members.
“Peoples Temple Had History of Threats, Violence” is a Nov. 21 1978 Washington Post article that discusses the lead-up to the mass slaughter that occurred in British Guyana.
On YouTube, watch a 2006 documentary film by Stanley Nelson, Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (one hour and 25 minutes).
In January, 2011, National Public Radio's Story Corps aired a reflection by Erin Ryan, the daughter of Congressman Leo J. Ryan who was assassinated at Jonestown.
Find general information about abuse at a number of online sites, for example, Dr. Sam Vaknin's article "How to Spot an Abuser on Your First Date."
Websites with general information about cults include International Cultic Studies Association (a collection of resources on various groups about whom they have received inquiries) and the Biblical Discernment Ministries' Christian website (read "The Marks of a Cult").