Spiritual Preparation
As Unitarian Universalists talking about our own faith, we have a special task. Our denomination is tiny compared with the wide world, yet still significant. It is important that our youth know their Unitarian Universalist faith is worthwhile, regardless of our numbers.
Here is a spiritual preparation that brings you to both a joyful appreciation for this life-affirming faith and a humble recognition of all we have yet to learn and do in the world: Read and meditate on Khalil Gibran's essay "On Religion" from The Prophet (full text available in English on many websites, including the Habib website). Consider the men and women in our Unitarian Universalist history whose words and deeds comforted, uplifted, and saved lives. Think of the primary purpose of religion to nourish human beings in the sacred quest for meaning. Be ready to share with the youth your understanding of ways Unitarian Universalism exemplifies what is desirable and possible in faith.