A religious awakening which does not awaken the sleeper to love has roused him in vain. — Jessamyn West, novelist, in The Quaker Reader, 1962
The Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, is small in numbers—less than half the size of Unitarian Universalism, with only 300,000 adherents worldwide. Religious soul mates of Unitarian Universalists in many ways, Quakers have had a far-reaching social and political impact, as well as an influence on our own faith, through their commitment to peace, equality, justice, and humanitarian work.
There may well be someone in your congregation who identifies as Quaker who could meet with the group. Visiting a Friends Meeting is an experience UU youth find both enjoyable and educational.
This workshop will:
- Introduce some core beliefs of the Religious Society of Friends
- Introduce the work of Lucretia Mott, dynamic Quaker abolitionist
- Examine Quaker beliefs in peace and equality, and how Quakers express these beliefs in the world
- Suggest parallels between the Society of Friends and Unitarian Universalism.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Discuss important concepts of Quakerism
- Discuss the story of Lucretia Mott and the current state of women's rights
- Explore what it means to commit to living for peace
- Explore the value of simplicity or plainness, as espoused by the Friends (Alternate Activity 2)
- Appreciate the impact a small, courageous group of people can have on the world.