Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Building Bridges: A World Religions Program for 8th-9th Grades


Activity time: 5 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Chalice, candle, and lighter, or LED/battery-operated candle
  • Taking It Home handout
  • Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape

Preparation for Activity

  • Download, adapt, and copy Taking It Home.
  • Optional: Write the closing words on newsprint, and post.

Description of Activity

Gather the group around the chalice. If needed, relight the chalice.

Distribute Taking It Home. Invite participants to form a circle and join hands and say together (referring to poster as necessary):

All our bridges meet in the middle, in a Unitarian Universalist circle of faith. We are connected with all that lives. We continue with all who seek. We belong with all who love. Go in peace until we meet again.

Extinguish the chalice together.